1. What is therapy?

Therapy has been known as "the cure through words". It is characterized by a series of private and confidential sessions with a therapist. Each session lasts one hour and a half and t can be held weekly or once every two weeks, depending upon the patients' expectations. An important factor for the success of a therapy is that the patient should feel well and comfortable with his/her therapist and sees him/her as someone trustworthy, open minded, competent and moral. It's essential that the patient feels he/she can to relate well to his/her therapist and that he/she will be able to understand the patients' problems. But the most important thing, yet, is that the patient feels that his/her life is indeed changing because of the therapy.


2. When should onde serch for a therapist?

The most conservative answer to this question is if you have a difficult problem it doesn't necessarily mean that you need therapy. Our lives are made up of misshappenings, one after another. When the same misshappening keeps happening over and over again you may need therapy. Any person can be benefited by therapy, and the benefits are greater when this person isn't going through a crisis.


3. Under which more specific circumstances should onde search for a therapist?

One should seek for a therapist when he/she is undergoing these specific problems that have great influence over their quality of life:

  • depression, stress or lack of enthusiasm
  • unhappiness in a marriage
  • help for his/her child/children when facing school problems or problems with the law
  • difficulty of sleeping, eating or having sex
  • involvement in an abusive relationship
  • concern and anxiety regarding his/her own death or the death of a relative/friend
  • use of drugs or alcohol
  • thoughts of suicide
  • feeling of panic or fear
  • when one feels that is/her life is being wasted
  • when one is frequently ill or has chronic diseases
  • when getting a divorce or separation
  • when one has survived an accident or been through great trauma
  • when one feels unexplainable tiredness or lack of motivation.


4. Why are some people so opposed to therapy?

Because they feel that therapy is intended only for those who are "mad" or "sick". They think that to seek therapy shameful or weak, for they believe that normal and mentally healthy adults should not need help from another person to live their lives well. This belief also comes from the many terrible experiences some people have had of therapy with incompetent therapists.